Thursday, April 29, 2010

Pieces of April

As I sit here in my rather dodgy Tweety-themed pyjamas, I've just realised that tomorrow is the last day of April. YEEHAA! I could kiss the calendar.

Now, normally April is an awesome time of the year, with Easter eggs, public holidays and the last few warm days of summer. But for some weird reason, it's been the craziest month. Ever.

Let us assess the damage:
  1. My two-month relationship/flawed liaison ends with me being dumped over Skype. Honestly, a phone call or (dare I demand it) a face-to-face confrontation was surely what I deserved? Heck, even Facebook would've been more personal. Coward!
  2. Some lowly specimen (I have my suspicions) gets hold of my ex's phone and sends me a nasty little string of text messages at two in the morning. Skype apology ensues.
  3. My poor mom went to the UK and caught pneumonia.
  4. I had a fight with my dad, and like so many fights it was about something silly (my car's battery, to be precise) which makes the whole thing even more annoying.
  5. As if the great god of automobiles is conspiring against me, a few days later someone drives into my car and speeds off without a trace. Yours truly arrives at her car to discover the bumper lying in the street (which I managed to salvage wearing my favourite heels, naturally).
  6. My boss announces that there are "cash flow issues." Which is not cool because...
  7. ...My bank account gets so dangerously low that I eat soup for a week and actually start collecting supermarket coupons.
  8. Oh yes, and yesterday the municipality disconnected my power due to an admin mix up. Charming.

In spite of all this, I'm pretty philosophical. There's the whole "what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" vibe, which I think is pretty accurate. I might be a bit frazzled at the moment, but I'm also strangely motivated and feel a bit reckless... and it's a feeling I like!

Bring on May! I dare you!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


So Issy, why are you starting this blog?
Hmm. I'm feeling a bit iffy these days. You know, it's the usual sort of thing... recently single, caught in the mid-twenties career crisis, constantly broke, living in a new city...

And you want to write about this general iffiness?
Yes, if it helps to make sense of it.

Why so sombre, Issy? You've got an alright-ish job in the media industry. Your new flat is cute. You've still got a fabulous tan from summer. And you're living in Cape Town now!
Thing is, even though I only moved to Cape Town a couple of months ago, I've always thought that it's a tricky city to make sense of. It's small enough to feel as if everyone is ridiculously too closely connected, yet large enough to lose oneself in. To top it off, I'm so good at mixing with different crowds, but I never quite fit in with anyone. What's that saying... jack of all trades, master of none...?

Oh, please don't tell me that you're going to write mopey slush.
Hell no. There's too much else I need to discuss... all the misadventures, miscommunications, experiments, incidents, liaisons and near-disasters... (and that's just what happened one night in Camps Bay).

Saucy stuff. You know Issy, blogging tends to be quite self-indulgent.
And I love indulgence.

Holy smokes, this blog is heating up already...
You bet.